Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth It?

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth It?…

Today, the majority of buildings have tankless water heaters installed, because, tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient than traditional storage tank water heaters. Given the fact that they heat water as it is needed without any downtime, makes them superior. Using either gas or electricity, the tankless appliance warms the cold water through a heating device installed along the pipes. The water temperature instantly rises up as it flows through it, providing you with hot water until you turn off the tap. This is why they are also known as or on demand-type water heaters.

However, the important question is the life of your present water heater coming to an end? Or maybe you don’t like how it performs and are thinking about upgrading. Most certainly, you are aware of the tankless water heaters’ rising popularity. More and more households these days are installing brand-new tankless versions rather than traditional water heaters. Why is that so? If you still in doubt and wondering “Are tankless water heaters worth it or not?” read through.

Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for You?

Tankless water heaters use a significantly lesser amount of energy than the traditional heaters, despite their commendable output. When compared to conventional water tank heaters, these tankless heaters can save energy expenses almost by 25%, according to Consumer Reports. This seems too wonderful to be true, but it is true. Tankless heaters do, however, have some several shortcomings too.


Keep reading if you want to learn whether a tankless water heater is a good option for you. The advantages of tankless water heater and drawbacks all mentioned below.


The Advantages Of Installing A Tankless Water Heater

There are many advantages of tankless water heaters, which is why it is gaining massive popularity. As the name suggests, these devices don’t offer any tank storage but direct heat up the water for usage. Instead, a gas burner or an electric element warms water instantaneously and sends it in a continuous stream until the hot water faucet is turned off.


Tankless heaters usually last more than tank water heaters. The average tankless water heater can last up to 20 years. A typical heating unit has a lifespan of roughly 10 years. However, many people have reported long-term savings when they installed a tankless water heater in their house. The heating system does not need to be repaired or replaced annually. But using with care is always essential.

Lowers The Average Monthly Cost

According to research tankless water heaters can be almost 25% more energy-efficient than traditional water heaters, despite having a greater initial cost, claims Consumer Reports. Therefore, by using less energy, you may save a lot of money each month.

Simple To Install

Due to its significantly smaller size compared to conventional heating units, tankless water heaters are simpler to install and mount on bathroom walls. One doesn’t seem big or out of place, so you may even install one in your kitchen without sacrificing the décor of the room.

They Offer Continuous Hot Water Supply

The amount of hot water that can be stored by conventional water heaters is constrained. Once the tank is emptied from the tank water heater, the supply of hot water will be halted, and you would eventually have to wait until the entire tank is heated up again. As a result, the hot water supply will eventually run out in houses with conventional heaters where family members take showers one after the other in quick succession. However, with tankless water heater, there is no need to wait, as the process is quick and continuous.

Can Run On A Variety Of Energy Sources

Given that tankless heater technology is still in its infancy, it seems sensible to give customers a variety of energy source choices for various models.

Electricity and natural gas are both viable sources of power for tankless heaters. While both have advantages and disadvantages of tankless water heater, an electric heater may avoid costly maintenance costs or problems caused by shoddy gas pipes.

What Is The Downside Of A Tankless Water Heater?

Where there are advantages, disadvantages also follow. So here are some disadvantages of of tankless water heater, that are not very critical but important to know before you make the investment. Tankless water heaters, sometimes known as “instantaneous water heaters,” are the talk of the town because they have a futuristic appearance and sound like a fantastic concept, but in our opinion, they are hassle free but expensive for most households, as the price tag that comes along won’t be affordable for many.

Tankless Water Heater Installation Is Expensive

Tankless water heaters are popular because many people believe they will ultimately save money. The equipment expenditures will put you back a considerable amount of money before we even discuss the monthly utility charges.

Cost of a traditional water heater ranges from $250 to $600.

Whereas the cost of a tankless water heater range from $750 to $1600.

If you’re fortunate, a tankless water heater will only run you around $2 in terms of energy but the initial cost with definitely be hefty and you’ll need to make up for that significant expense.

No Hot Water With Out Electricity

How much hot water do you have if your 40 gallon water heater breaks down and the electricity is out? You still have 40 gallons unless your reserves cool down gradually. Since tankless water heaters lack water reserves, you will be stranded as soon as the power goes off. This happens very rarely, that the electricity goes off, but when it does, it becomes a real problem when you live a cold region or have no power backup.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of water heater always varies because of the variety available on the market. The unit you choose, the company, the supplier and the installation charges, all together will add up to the final cost.

However, the type of energy used for the heater also contributes in as a pricing factor. Tankless water heaters powered by gas can be almost twice as expensive as standard electric water heaters. Because a tankless water heater could need a three-quarter-inch pipe, which might be bigger than the one for a traditional water heater, installation costs might be greater. On the plus side, you might be able to get a federal tax credit for the purchase and installation of your new, energy-efficient tankless water heater.

An alternative is an electric tankless water heater, which is less expensive to install but may not be eligible for a tax credit due to its lower efficiency than gas and suitability for point-of-use applications rather than a whole-house system. Instantaneous hot water in the kitchen is one application where this type of water heater excels.

For the Best Results

A hot water heater needs preventive maintenance at least twice a year, although once a year is recommended by most professionals. If you live in a region with hard water, it is best to get more frequent maintenance done to lengthen the life of the water heater. As more minerals accumulate at the bottom of the tank, the body of the device starts degrading.

Minerals corrode the parts over time, resulting in damage that a sediment flush cannot repair. This is why the first year after installation is when preventative maintenance on water heaters should begin.

Water heaters are simple to disregard because they frequently function flawlessly for a decade or more without any upkeep. However, water heater repair service is done by investing a few minutes only and that results in prolonged life of the tank. Meanwhile your water remains safe to use and the heater remains safe and efficient. You may contact the Accomplish team at any time if issues arise, and they will assist you in every way.


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